Thursday 30 April 2015

Are those my toys?

Hello! Mum is back from University today and I must admit I'm very jumpy compared to last week but she has been away for 3 days and poof! now she's back.

Anyway today was great, I got to fly around the living room again and found a new landing spot where Mum can't get me because she's too small. The main lamp. But I did help her with uni work which was nice of me.

After that Mum gave me a new toy! A ball with a bell inside oh that was great fun but, Gertrude wasn't sure on me being on 'her' floor.

I still played with the ball though! I do like it.

But! Before all that, Mum shown me my new hat. I wasn't very keen on wearing it as a hat but still was quite keen on it.

Although I didn't want it on me too long. Carrying it around is another matter though.

I hope you enjoyed these videos of me :) I certainly enjoyed my day. I'm tuckered out, all tired and in my cage ready for tomorrow.


Monday 27 April 2015

Is that a new cage?

Hello, today hasn't had much activity today. Mum was busy getting ready to go back to university and looking after Gertrude. She let me out of my cage and I slept on her notice board for most of the time.

When she did come back up she was carrying a new big cage for me! I admit I was very nervous about the new cage, it was roomy and had space for me to flap my wings frantically. She played with me for a bit before putting me in the cage for her to leave, at almost every movement she made I jumped! 

I think this new cage is effecting me in some strange supernatural way, I kept putting my head between my legs again and getting scared cos I got my self stuck. I can be a silly billy sometimes.

Here's me in my new cage. I look so small! 

I'm sorry I didn't get round to making a blog yesterday, Mum had a loooong day at work and was too tired to help me right my blog but here's some piccys to show what I saw and got up to. 

If you have any questions big or small for me or Mum just ask :) be nice though.

Saturday 25 April 2015

I am a helicopter!

Weeee! Yes today I decided that I was a helicopter today. I even rested on pictures and Mum's budgie lamp asking to be picked up and then I would suddenly fly around the room again. I was quite cheeky today. 
I also felt Mum was lying in bed for too long, nine o'clock came but she was still asleep so, I decided to shout at her. I repeated this many times each time she burst from bed to see if I was okay. She eventually got up and let me out. 

Today I also made a new friend, he didn't talk very much, I did try talking to him but it was a failed attempt. Never mind flying around the room was fine enough a day for me. Now I'm back in my cage and off to bed. 

                                                               Night Night.

It's Friday!

Apparently  people love Fridays. Seems like any other day to me.

Well today, I had to help babysit Gertrude aaallll day today. She was very noisy and wanted to go outside all the time. I was placed in the living room while she did Illustration work for Uni. Sadly I ran out of millet :( Mum's got to buy her some more for me tomorrow.

Mum managed to get me out and while Gertrude was asleep in her pen we had an hours snooze, I must admit her fluffy hoody was very cozy even snuggled my self into it.

Ow I do like being downstairs, I've much more space to fly around than the bedroom, I found a big scary owl sat in the corner! I was reassured that he wouldn't hurt me but it's still scary. I have found that the curtain rail is a great place to sit and watch what everyone was doing. Mum's Sister went past, she didn't even know I was there.

I'd also like to say that I definitely feel more comfortable in my new home after being here a week, I'm now 8 weeks old I'm happy to sit on people, even starting to talk to people (they are a funny sort) I like a good stroke and I'm starting to test the toys in my cage. I must admit they are good toys.

Just before I was taken to bed, Gertrude bit my tail :( Remind me not to stick my tail out the cage again. I'm now off to bed ready for tomorrows crazy-ness. Look at how sneaky she looks.

(I may have published this in the morning of Saturday, I take a while writing).

Friday 24 April 2015

She's back from Uni!

Hello, not had a post for a day or so because my people Mum has been away for 2 days, she went to University. I don't know what that is but it's a big word and I have no interest in trying to repeat that!

I was quite eager to get out the cage today that I may of put my head between my legs a few times. What's worse, there's now photographic evidence. How embarrassing!

Once out Mum put me on this strange moving thing, she called it a wagon but it was just the blue turny thing with a perch. I stayed on it and she moved it about at I must admit, it was quite nice but I got bored so I hoped off and made my way across the floor. I also got to have a little nap on my mum while she led on the bed facebook-ing (I'm not sure what that is, no books were involved). Her hand was my duvet and was nice and warm. I could hear Gertrude the goose shouting downstairs, but I was so tired I just couldn't wake. 

I also had a new food dish put out for me while I'm out of my cage. It's quite handy and only a few wing beats away from where people sit to play games. I've been quite good today, I've been talking, responding to my R2-D2 lessons, sat on Mum's hand and shoulders while she played the xbox. I attempted some secret grooming of her hair but I got caught.

I got some great strokes on the back of my head today for being good too! That was nice, but I got tired after my busy day being out of the cage all day and now sleeping with my Millet (although I've discovered Trill is quite nice now).

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Relaxing day today then

We didn't get up to much today unfortunately, although I did get to go down the stairs with mum to help look after the Goose. We both made quite a racket, even the chickens in the garden joined in too! It was quite fun causing so much noise for Mum while she was trying to do things. 

I wasn't aloud out of my cage downstairs, I've been told it's too dangerous for me as I'm still very new and many things startle me and I'm still wary on going on to new peoples hands. 
Luckily we got to go upstairs again and I was free!

Mum set me down on the floor which seemed very strange, I'm not used to looking up at things. I even went on to her bed, her bed is a lot squishier than my bed.
a, Mum says I shout to people rather than just talk at the moment but she's pleased to see me more confident that I was before. That's why I'm shouting silly, I'm not confident to just talk to you I must shout at you first :)

Although I was very sad later on as Mum had to go to university and I wanted to come out of the cage. I had to stay in until her sister was able to keep an eye on me. She's a strange sort too.

Here I am being teased with some millet :( I just wanted the millet.
Mum says excuse the mess.

Monday 20 April 2015

I adventure further …

3 blogs in one day? Phew this is tiring for my little self. No matter, we're not up to date on days (for now). I have been trying to talk a little more but my confidence in this new place isn't high still. I was shown how to use the strange green toy on the side of my cage. It was okay I guess.

Anyway, we spent most of the morning downstairs looking after the gosling, Gertrude, playing R2-D2 sounds. Mum wants me to learn it, I don't even know what an R2-D2 is.

Mum's still saying she's not seen me drink and is still worried, I'm fine though, I can't last that long with out a little drink. I've been feasting on millet too, I just love it. Mum had to replace it very quickly for me.
I may need to slow it down on my millet though, I was eating it so fast it made me cough, thankfully Mum put the water dish to my face that was good, cleared my throat. Thank you :)

I then sat in my cage quite contently up untill I think I heard 9 o' clock? Then I was back out on the shoulders of people and sat watching youtube on the Mac and again MORE R2-D2 noises. I'm trying to respond to them though.

              Here I am on the bed watching 'Dark lord funk' with my millet. I do love my millet!

Thank you for reading, I will have more blogs later.

My next day...

The day after I moved to my new home, I still wanted to stay quiet and be reserved. Can you blame me? I'm only a baby and there's these strange new people walking around. I don't know what new Mum is putting into the food dish below me but I don't want it, I'm quite comfy with my millet right now. She's also telling her Mum how she's not seen me drink and is a little worried about it. What she doesn't know is I'm not a big drinker and I'd rather do it when she's not around. Need to be a private drink ya' know.

I did also have an embarrassing moment that day too, apparently my little bottom feathers got covered in poo and Mum's Mum had to snip away the feathers to clean it. It's a little breezy now!

I'm also still being handled, I'm not sure on these people but I know I can sit on a humans hand and be okay. Although I like being a little naughty by hopping back onto my perch when they go to bring me out the cage door, he-he. They're trying to look for a new cage to by for me with a bigger door.

Maybe I can have more toys please? I only have a colourful plastic hang-y thing with a bell and a turny, noisy thing also with a bell.

My new home

I had previously lost my first Budgie, Tilly, on Easter. Obviously, this was very very upsetting for me but didn't want to get a new Budgie straight away feeling it would be disrespectful.
Tilly would of been four in September/August time of this year. She hated being handled bless her. :)

Hello there, I think I'll start off by telling you my name. Apparently I'm now called 'Beanie,'
at least that's what my new people have been saying to me. I used to live in South Wales on the top of a mountain with a lady, her husband and a lot of other budgies and cockatoos, even a grumpy parrot up until I was 7 weeks old where I went to live with my new Mum all the way near Gloucester. They had travelled a very long way just to get little me. 
                                                              I must be very special.

It was a long drive and I had to be put into a box, I could hear people talking and I didn't make much fuss on the box but I did try my hand at chewing a way out through the holes … that didn't prove very successful.

Once we got to my new home, I was released out into the room I believe I am now going to be staying in. I got onto my new Mum's finger to see I was being stared at by 4 other people. It felt very strange and I didn't want to say anything and I wasn't too keen on moving either. I sat with new Mum for awhile before she put me into my new cage. It was very quiet with out my last budgie cage friend so I decided to by my millet, with my back to the new people obviously.

Apparently no one is sure what gender I am at the moment, sometimes they call me He and sometimes they call me She. I wish they'd hurry up and find out, even I want to know now.

This is a picture of me taken my new Mum. Don't I look sweet. :)

New Mum is going to keep this diary up for lots of people to have a read, see my progress and for her self to keep a track on how I do over my time with her. 
She also may use this blog for her University work too!